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Kombucha Challenge - Pamper yourself for 7 days

For a nicer gut feeling

Kombucha can give you a great feeling with its many live cultures and probiotics. In everyday life we ​​often forget how relaxing small moments of well-being can be. With the 7-Day Kombucha Challenge, we give you a small routine every day, which you can then integrate into your day combined with a bottle of Kombucha .

You don't need much for that. Just a week with some freedom and a desire for kombucha. You're sure to feel energetic after just a week of regular Kombucha drinking, and with the added little pampering moments.

Water is drunk by woman cutout face hand

Day 1: Drink Kombucha and plenty of water

Today on day 1 there is a bottle of your favorite kombucha for breakfast. You should drink at least 2.5 liters of water for the rest of the day. Guide value: 35 milliliters per kilogram of body weight. Too little liquid in everyday life can damage your health. Your kidneys need fluid to carry waste products out of the body. Digestion can become sluggish. Kombucha also nourishes your body with live cultures and enzymes and supports your gut.

concrete bathtub full bath rose petals book candles

Day 2: alkaline bath and kombucha

Take an hour for yourself today and treat yourself to an alkaline bath with candles and kombucha. Alkaline bath salts are available in pharmacies or drugstores. A base bath can gently bring your body's acid-base balance into balance. In addition, your skin is cared for from the outside. A base bath also relaxes your muscles after exercise and helps them to regenerate faster. Kombucha can also help your body to positively influence your acid-base balance. The perfect combo!

Pine forest in the sunshine

Day 3: Out into the fresh air and then reward with Kombucha

Today we're going out into the fresh air. It doesn't matter if you live in the big city or in the village, there is always the possibility to escape into the countryside for an hour. Take an hour for a relaxing walk in the forest or just in the park next door and then spoil yourself with a chilled bottle of kombucha.

Close-up lotus position hands on knees

Day 4: Self Love Meditation

Today we celebrate your feelings and consciously allow emotions. Open the windows in your apartment and let some fresh air into your four walls. Take half an hour and listen to yourself. How are you feeling today? what moves you How's your gut feeling? What are you up to today? Do you do things because you feel you have to do them? Breathe in and out deeply and feel into yourself. Afterwards you can slowly enjoy a bottle of kombucha and signal to your body that you are there for it and ready to listen to it.

Soup in a wooden bowl, wooden spoon, linen cloth, herbs, blue worktop

Day 5: Alkaline soup and kombucha

Today we have this delicious basic carrot soup for dinner. Combined with a bottle of Kombucha, your intestines will thank you.

Woman doing yoga on yoga mat Kombuchery Raw Mate Kombucha laminate flooring

Day 6: Yoga Stretching and Kombucha

Today your body will be treated to a proper stretching program. You don't have to be a professional yogi or super athletic to do this. Instead of a yoga mat, you can also use a blanket as a base or a comfortable carpet. Then a bottle of Kombucha and you can start the day full of energy or fall into bed relaxed. Click here for the video.

Crystal glass with kombucha lemon slice mint leaves

Day 7: Enjoy Kombucha Mocktail with friends

You can be proud of yourself and the last few days. At the end of the week there is a delicious non-alcoholic kombucha mocktail with your friends. For 2 people you need:

  • 1 Bottle of Raw Ginger
  • juice of 1/4 lemon
  • 2 lemon slices
  • 1 teaspoon basil
  • syrup
  • Peppermint leaves for garnish

Sharing moments of happiness is much more fun than enjoying them alone. Did you know that our body produces 6 different happiness hormones (serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, endorphins, phenethylamine and oxytocin)? They affect your physical and psychological well-being and are sometimes even referred to as endogenous drugs.

Danke für's Lesen!

Thank you for reading! You can find more of my articles from A, like Non-Alcoholic Kombucha Cocktails, to Z, like Lemon-Ginger Kombucha, on our KOMBUCHERY Blog. Let's learn more about kombucha together!
Merle by Kombuchery

Hinweis: Dieser Artikel ist ausschließlich für Informationszwecke bestimmt und nicht als professionelle Analyse, Beratung oder medizinische Auskunft zu verstehen, sondern enthält die persönliche Meinung des Autors, basierend auf recherchierter Fachliteratur und eigener Erfahrung zum Thema.


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